End date: March 1, 2022
Needed Funds: $14000
Raised Funds: $0
برنامج رفع المهارات الحياتية والوظيفية لأبناء الشبيبة

To enable youth to innovate and contribute positively to their societies, they need guidance and support. The General Secretariat of Christian Youth's vision is to build and develop an innovative, distinguished, and effective generation of Christian youth that has an influential imprint on the church, society, and country. To achieve this, there is a need for capacity-building programs targeting Christian youth served by the General Secretariat of Christian Youth, not only on the spiritual level but on the professional level as well.

However, building capacities are much more than just training courses, it is a “strategic and systemic approach which includes attention to the parts– organizations, structures, leaders and resources – and to the whole relationships, common concepts, and language, and agreed principles”

This project will support the General Secretariat of Christian Youth in further enhancing the capacities of its leaders and youth through variable training programs that will target their leadership ship skills, soft skills and technical skills.